Supporting Australian Community Health
MasterCare solutions are designed to support the delivery of health services at the community level. Ensuring our clients have access to the best information systems that can improve clinical decision making at the point of care and reduce the burden on our health system.
“31% of the chronic disease burden is considered preventable” – AIHW
We ensure our clients can have the right systems to deliver a range of services that include allied health, mental health, alcohol and other drug services, national disability programs, general practice and more.
With a rich history of supporting Australian community health, MasterCare has been connecting the community health network, improving client management and assisting in compliance with complex Australian reporting standards for over 20 years.
The Problem – An Inefficient Industry
The Australian healthcare industry is changing, yet many clinical systems fail to adapt, leaving their health organisations stuck. This can lead to an array of operational issues that have an impact on the overall continuity of care and delivery of treatment.
“10-20% of chronic disease discharges return to hospital within 1 month” – AIHW
1. Poor Access To Client Records At The Point of Care
Health providers with poor clinical systems often fail to have access to basic client information when providing treatment, impacting their quality of care and frustrating their clients.
2. Paper-Based Processes and Unreliable Data Collection
A large number of organisations still rely on paper-based forms, notes, referrals, and processes that lead to loss of patient information and slower access to treatment.
3. Difficulty Meeting Data Reporting Requirements
Government programs often change their reporting requirements, systems that fail to keep up with these changes can cause losses in funding.
4. Slow Payment and Invoicing Processes
Organisations are negatively impacted by slow payment and invoicing processes for items such as private billing or NDIS payments.
5. Lack of Integration with Existing Clinical Systems
Due to their size, community health organisations often maintain multiple systems, disconnect between these systems leads to double entry, loss of patient information and slow operations.
6. The Growing Importance of Digital Tools for Patient Engagement, Convenience and Connectivity.
Government requirements are forcing software systems to evolve and adopt digital tools. Clinical systems that lack the flexibility to do so cause businesses to fall behind.
MyHealthRecord, Secure Messaging and Telehealth are all examples of digital tools that should be considered.
The MasterCare Solution
A Single Client Record Software Built For Community Health
The MasterCare solution provides a team-based approach to client management, with a range of features designed to support businesses of all sizes.
Practice Management: Appointment booking, calendars and rostering, billing, online claiming, case management, 2-way SMS and more.
Digital Client Health Records: Client details, diagnosis, visit notes, care plans, MDT reviews, assessment tools and organisation-wide access.
Data Extracts & Government Reporting: Support for a growing number of data extracts and MDS reporting for a range of different Government programs across Australia.
Victorian Community Health organisations can take advantage of additional support for Victorian specific programs. These include:
✓ NDIS ✓ HACC ✓ CHSP ✓ VADC ✓ VINAH ✓ PMHC ✓ NOCC ✓ PIR ✓ CH ✓ MyHealthRecord ✓ National AOD.
Connecting Providers To Their Clients
The MasterCare platform integrates with a range of Global Health’s SaaS platforms that work together to connect health providers in the community health network. This helps their businesses better engage with their clients and enables greater decision making for their staff.
Leveraging the power of connected health records to improve patient outcomes at the Community Health level.
Connecting The Industry: A complete secure messaging delivery system allows members of the referral community to securely exchange electronic referrals, notes, letters, forms and more.
HotHealth Patient Engagement Platform
Connecting Providers and Consumers: An all in one patient engagement platform that helps businesses connect with their consumers through digital forms, online bookings, telehealth, web design and more.
Dashboards-as-a-Service Data Analytics
Answering The Bigger Questions: Dashboards-as-a-Service connects data captured in the MasterCare platform with world-class data visualisation software to provide faster and better data analysis.
Lifecard Personal Health Records
Empowering Consumers: Empowering consumers to monitor their own health conditions by uploading, storing and sharing their own digital health records with family and other health professionals.
The MasterCare Solution
Setting Your Business Up For Success
With decades of experience in servicing Community Health organisations across Victoria and Australia, we know Community Health.
Cloud Based SaaS Cloud based SaaS implementation of MasterCare as an Electronic Medical Record. |
3rd Party Integration with existing 3rd party clinical, patient management and financial systems. |
Support for Government Support for Government mandated extracts which commonly include NDIS, HACC and PMHC programs. |
Support for Data Support for data migration from previous clinical systems to the MasterCare platform. |
Implementation of Implementation of ReferralNet for Secure Messaging and 2-way SMS functionality. |
Implementation of Implementation of Cybersecurity Standards applicable to Australian Health requirements. |
Realising The Benefits
One solution for satisfying the varied and diverse requirements of the modern-day community health organisation.
For Executives Access to live organisational data through DaaS with the ability to view over 40 pre-made data visualisations. Accessible anytime, anyplace on mobile or tablet device. |
For Clinicians Access to complete client records at the point of care with transferable electronic forms and assessments. Coupled with structured and consistent data capture, the collection of statistics is integrated into clinical workflows. |
For Administrators Seamless data extracts for Government reporting requirements. Ability to design teams, users, roles and permission hierarchies. Simple customisation of highly flexible modules and automated administrative processes such as SMS alerts. |
For Clients Access to updated health records. Ability to share health info with Next of Kin and other professionals. As well as more accurate wait times, appointment scheduling and communication with 2-way SMS. |
Long Term Benefits
✓ Transferable skills and knowledge through the use of a single centralised clinical system
✓ Reduction in staffing and training requirements
✓ More accurate data collection through one clinical system
✓ Standardisation of clinical assessment and tools
✓ Reductions in paper processes and improved security
✓ Visibility of full client health records across all service disciplines
✓ A progressive partnership with Global Health moving forward
A Progressive Partnership With Global Health
Adopting the MasterCare solution provides an opportunity for a progressive partnership with Global Health Ltd (ASX:GLH), a key software provider in the Australian healthcare landscape. As an ASX listed company with over 40 staff located in Melbourne, helping support over 3 million occasions of service annually, Global Health have the experience and the resources to grow our business alongside yours.
✓ Established in Over 1000 Healthcare Organisation
✓ Used by Over 10,000 Healthcare Providers
✓ Supporting in Excess of 1.5 Million People
We Are Victoria’s Market Leading and Fastest Growing Software Solution for Supporting The Delivery of Community Health Services.
With 6 major Victorian Community Health organisations having gone live in the past 24 months, and 2 going live in 2021, now is the time to implement MasterCare for your community health services. Join our growing list of Victorian clients to adopt the MasterCare solution today!
✓ Windana Drug and Alcohol Recovery ✓ Orygen Health ✓ Sunraysia Community Health Services
✓ Ballarat Community Health ✓ Bass Coast Health ✓ Bellarine Community Health ✓ Peninsula Health
✓ headspace ✓ Monash Health
Interested in taking your health organisation to the next level?
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View the full case study here!