31 Aug Global Health Limited Releases Final Preliminary Report for Financial Year Ending June 30, 2021.

Global Health Limited (ASX:GLH) is pleased to announce its results for the financial year ended 30 June 2021.

Key Highlights:

  • Total Company revenue and income for FY21 closed $1.22M up on prior year at $7.48M, a 20%
    increase on FY20 ($6.26m).
  • Client revenues have materially increased in FY21- $7.03M, up 18%/$1.06M on FY20 ($5.97M).
  • Global Health posted an EBITDA of $1.06M, $566K favourable from prior year (FY20 $489K).
  • Operating expenses $6.42M, increased $654K from prior year, a 11% increase.
  • Impairment charge of $998,546 was applied against all capitalised products other than the
    flagship MasterCare platform due to write downs resulting from reduced sales outputs in FY21
    and forecasted future sales impacts, which has materially impacted FY21 EBIT and NPAT results.


View the full preliminary final report here.

About the corporation

Global Health is an Australian public-listed company (ASX: GLH) with a comprehensive portfolio of healthcare software applications directed at “Connecting Clinicians and Consumers”.

Our digital health technology solutions are strongly focussed on patient engagement and connectivity across the sector.

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